The "Stoicism" app helps you live a more peaceful life free from negative emotions.As you learn more about the Stoics and their practice, you will learn techniques to help reduce your stress.Get motivational daily quotes from Roman Stoics and other inspirational figures.What is the philosophy of Stoicism?• The Stoicians developed a detailed taxonomy of virtue, dividing it into four main types: wisdom, justice, courage and moderation.• Because of the adjective "Stoic", many people think that stoicism is simply a synonym for being "emotionless".• A common definition of Stoicism is that of a person who is indifferent to joy, sorrow, happiness, and all other emotions.• The goal is not to banish emotions but to react better to negative emotions.Who were the Stoics?• Marc Aurèle• Epictetus• Musonius Rufus• Seneca the Younger• Athenodorus the Cananite• Arius Didyme• Cicero• Posidonius of Apamea• Panetios of Rhodes• Antipater of Tarsus• Diogenes of Babylon• Chrysippus de Soles• Cléanthe• Zeno of KitionQuotes from the Stoics:• Find the quotes of Marcus Aurelius, Zeno of Kition, Cléanthe, Seneca, Musonius Rufus, Epictetus, Hierocles, ...The Stoic theory:• What is Stoicism?• Books written by Stoics or on StoicismStoic practices:• Negative visualizations• Stoic meditations